
Showing posts from November, 2023


Event Title: ”GC SPORTSFEST SIKLAB 2023” i. Details of the event/activity Gordon College's Sportsfest SIKLAB 2023, held from November 8-11, brought an exciting array of sports and activities to our campus. The event featured a diverse range of sports competitions, including volleyball, basketball, arnis, badminton, table tennis, bowling, athletics, swimming, taekwondo, futsal, and sepak takraw. In addition to the sports events, there were also other engaging activities such as chess, mascot making, Mr. and Ms. Sportsfest 2023, and the lively Yell and Dance competition. The campus buzzed with energy as students, faculty, and staff came together to celebrate sportsmanship and camaraderie. ii. Reflections the webinar/activity give rise to (learnings) Participating in Sportsfest SIKLAB 2023 provided a wealth of learnings beyond the scoreboard. The sports events taught us the values of teamwork, discipline, and resilience. Whether on the court or in the cheering crowd, there was


Event Title:” CCS ACQUAINTANVE DAY 2023” i. Details of the event/activity The College of Computer Studies brought together both faculty and students for a joyous and supportive day during the annual CCS Acquaintance Day on Friday, September 29, 2023, kicking off at 8:00 AM. The event, organized by the CCS Faculty in collaboration with student groups like The Empowered League of Information Technology Education Students (ELITES) for BSIT, the Society of Programming Enthusiasts in Computer Science (SPECS) for BSCS, and the Innovative Multimedia Artists Guild of Empowered Students (IMAGES) for BSEMC, was a collective effort to create a memorable experience. The festival was brimming with interesting activities, and students took the initiative to set up imaginative booths showcasing a variety of goods. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as interactive games, in the form of lively question-and-answer sessions, provided plenty of opportunities for everyone to participate and have


  Event Title: ” RAITE 2023: AI NEXUS - CONVERGENCE OF TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN INGENUITY” i. Details of the event/activity Being part of the Regional Assembly on Information Technology Education (RAITE) was an incredibly enriching experience for me. The event unfolded with a vibrant array of competitions and engaging activities, offering me the chance to showcase my skills across diverse domains. From delving into the intricacies of cybersecurity and programming to exploring the creative realms of video editing and lanyard designing, RAITE underscored the multifaceted nature of technology and its profound impact on different facets of my life. ii. Reflections the webinar/activity give rise to (learnings) RAITE 2023 served as a personal knowledge hub, providing me with valuable insights into the latest trends and advancements in artificial intelligence. The ITS Challenge shed light on the pivotal role of cybersecurity in safeguarding digital spaces, while the Hackathon Programming