"CCS Research Forum 2023"

Event Title: ”CCS Research Forum 2023”

i. Details of the event/activity

The Gordon College - College of Computer Studies Research Forum 2023 showcased a diverse range of projects, including SENIOR BSIT Capstone Projects and BSCS Thesis Projects, as well as JUNIOR BSIT and BSCS Research Projects. As a participant from the BSIT program, I had the opportunity to join the segment featuring SENIOR BSIT Capstone Projects and JUNIOR BSIT Research Projects. The event was a platform for students to present their robust project ideas, with notable panelists providing valuable insights.

ii. Reflections the webinar/activity give rise to (learnings)

The forum provided an enriching experience, allowing me to gain insights into the innovative projects undertaken by fellow students. The diversity of ideas presented was inspiring and demonstrated the depth of research within the College of Computer Studies. Moreover, the forum highlighted the importance of effective presentation skills, as the quality of pre-recorded presentations left room for improvement.

iii. Reflections on possibilities on implementing some of the webinar input on a practical level.
(Practical application of learnings)

The learnings from the forum can be practically implemented in various ways. Improved presentation skills, for instance, can be cultivated through training sessions or workshops for students before such events. Additionally, the forum emphasized the significance of thorough preparation and attention to detail in project presentations, which can be incorporated into project development processes.

iv. Positive feedback (on the event organization)

The event organization was commendable. The inclusion of both senior and junior projects provided a holistic view of the research efforts within the College of Computer Studies. The notable panelists added value to the presentations by sharing their insights, contributing to the overall success of the forum.

v. Suggestions for improvements to be made/ consider for future activities

While the event was successful, there are areas for improvement. The quality of pre-recorded presentations could be enhanced through guidelines and workshops on effective video production. Additionally, incorporating interactive elements, such as live Q&A sessions, could further engage the audience. Considering the virtual nature of the event, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly online platform is crucial for future activities.

vi. Photos/Videos taken


vii. Certificate:



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