Organized Event #2: DESIGN-101 UI/UX using Figma (Webinar)

 Event Title: “DESIGN-101: UI/UX Design using Figma”

i. Details of the event/activity

The webinar "DESIGN-101: UI/UX Design using Figma" was organized on October 14, 2023, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. The event aimed to introduce participants to the core concepts of UI/UX design, focusing on the significance of these principles in product development. Ms. Fatrizha Alejah F. Boongaling, a Software Engineer at SkyDev.Solutions Inc., served as the resource speaker. The event was headed by Charlene Turqueza, with Jasper Robert Mamaril as the co-head.

ii. Reflections the webinar/activity give rise to (learnings)

The webinar provided valuable insights into UI/UX design principles and best practices. Participants learned the fundamentals of using Figma, a widely-used design tool, including its interface and essential functionalities. Key learnings included the importance of user-centric design, creating wireframes, constructing interactive prototypes, collaboration, and usability testing using Figma. The event successfully conveyed the significance of prioritizing user needs and achieving visual appeal in design.

iii. Reflections on possibilities on implementing some of the webinar input on a practical level.
(Practical application of learnings)

The practical application of the webinar learnings involves incorporating UI/UX design principles into real-world projects. Participants can leverage Figma to streamline their design workflows, ensuring a user-friendly and visually appealing end product. The knowledge gained on collaboration and usability testing can be applied in team projects, enhancing communication and refining designs based on user feedback.

iv. Positive feedback (on the event organization)

The event received positive feedback, particularly for its organized structure and informative content. Participants appreciated Ms. Fatrizha Alejah F. Boongaling's expertise and the clarity with which she explained complex design concepts. The diverse audience, including college students and professors from various locations in Luzon, added richness to the discussion.

v. Suggestions for improvements to be made/ consider for future activities

While the event was well-received, the time constraint of two hours emerged as a challenge. Future activities could consider extending the duration or dividing the content into multiple sessions to allow for more in-depth exploration of UI/UX concepts. Additionally, incorporating hands-on exercises or case studies during the webinar could enhance the practical application of the concepts discussed.

vi. Photos/Videos taken



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