SEMINAR: "Artificial Intelligence in Health Promotion"

Event Title:” Artificial Intelligence in Health Promotion” i. Details of the event/activity The seminar titled "Artificial Intelligence in Health Promotion" was held on June 8, 2024, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. It was organized by the Gordon College - Institute of Graduate Studies MANS students and featured Dr. Ronnell D. Dela Rosa, an Associate Professor V at Bataan Peninsula State University and a professional at Cardinal Santos Medical Center in Manila. Dr. Dela Rosa shared his expertise on the role of AI in the health sector, its benefits, pros and cons, economic implications, and how AI is utilized at Cardinal Santos Medical Center. ii. Reflections the webinar/activity give rise to (learnings) This seminar provided a comprehensive understanding of the integration of AI in the health sector. Dr. Dela Rosa's explanation of what AI is and how it functions in the Philippines was enlightening. He detailed the significant benefits of AI, such as improved diagnostic...